Greek Thyme Honey: The Nectar of the Gods

Greek Thyme Honey: The Nectar of the Gods

Honey has been consumed since antiquity, and until recently it has been humanity’s only sweetener. During the Middle Ages, sugar extracted from sugarcanes was exported from Bengal, or various other South American countries. Sugar was a rare and expensive commodity, not widely available to the 

Greek Mountain Tea: Sideritis Scardica Health Benefits, Recipes

Greek Mountain Tea: Sideritis Scardica Health Benefits, Recipes

Sideritis tea, which is also known as Greek mountain tea or ironwort, can be found in every Greek household. The Greeks reach for it when they feel the onset of a cold, when they are struggling with digestive issues, or when they need something to 

Tomato Nutrition Facts: Health Benefits and How Good for you is it?

Tomato Nutrition Facts: Health Benefits and How Good for you is it?

The tomato is a staple food in many of the world’s popular cuisines, from Greek to Mexican and countless countries in between. It forms the basis for a host of sauces and is great both cooked and raw. But just how healthy is it? What are 

Healthy Fruits to Eat (Superfood Fruits)

Healthy Fruits to Eat (Superfood Fruits)

Food fads come and food fads go. Remember the Atkins Diet? We were encouraged to subsist on bacon and steak, but later learned that creator Dr. Atkins had a history of heart attacks and congestive heart failure. How about the cabbage soup diet? Followers lost